RFL Event Update: ES Does Eurovision, Saturday 14th May
8 DJs each play an hour of music from their country
100% tips to RFL
Vote for your favourite country by donating to their flag
Countries: Finland, Bulgaria, Bavaria, Italy, Spain, Austria, Germany, UK
Our last RFL fundraising event before the big finale weekend next month.
There's a real buzz about this one and some healthy banter has already surfaced in ES local chat.
It's a very serious affair when one DJ chooses to wear traditional dress and another will only drink beer from their country that night! I am so excited, I may even get an outfit and do my hair 🤣
So get excited with me. Plan your outfits, your drinks, snacks and friend gang for the evening. Save some L$ to donate and support the cause.
This is a unique event so come do something different this Saturday night as we celebrate music, community and importantly, raise money to help the fight against cancer.
RFL Community Challenge: 10-20May
This event also falls within the RFL Community Challenge window so let's smash this!
RFL teams have been challenged to come together as one team to raise 15K USD in 10 days!
"Teams advancing their total at least $50 USD will receive an incentive donation into their fundraising account. Additionally, 5 teams meeting the above requirements will be drawn at random to receive an additional $100 USD added to their fundraising accounts, thanks to a sponsor who wishes to remain nameless."
$50USD is about L$13,000 ...I think ... so let's aim to reach 70k!!!
The window is now open and you can donate to the kiosk any time, we just need to raise our team total to L$70k by the 20th. 💜
RFL Weekend Finale
Saturday 11 June - Sunday 12 June
Central: Virtual Marathon and Team Campsites - RFL sims
Team: DJ Relay - 1 stream, multiple venues - how long can we keep the stream live?
Planning is underway, venues are signing up and more details will follow soon.