The Music Community Summer Festival
Presented by Electro Space with Cube24, Club Zero, Honeycomb, Ripple Effect, S.mind and Soundsation.
As the sun sets on EStival 2022 and the detox begins 😂, it's time for the emotional thank you post. Ok it's just a party but it's our party and I hope you had as much fun as I did.
We're in different places in the world, in different time-zones.
Even in our virtual world, we hang in different crowds, at different places.
And we came together to party again this summer.

Photo by April Lemondrop

Photo by Ashicam
The biggest THANK YOU goes to everyone who made this year happen.
To the club managers who helped prepare main stage schedules, promoted the event through their communities and partied with us.
To the 74 DJs who gave their time, their energy, shared their music, their style and made the party BOUNCE!
To the 15 Hosts who helped keep the party running, announcing DJs, welcoming everyone and adding some sass and sparkle!
To the photographers, Mr Memories Martin, Ashicam, April and all the others who took and shared their awesome photos via Facebook and Flickr.
To the ES Resident DJ-Manager Team who were there, picking up short notice covers, dancing in the pee lagoon day after day, wearing weird outfits, being as silly as we like, propping me up and representing ES in the most FUN way.
And also YOU, the party goers. You make the party a party and this is why we do this. To bring people together to enjoy music, friends, fun, fashion and ... lag!! 😂
You were all part of it!!!
I thank you all so much for the energy, the support, the PARTY and also for the personal messages of support in my IMs.
It does take some effort to coordinate this type of event, just like Techno Tour and Relay weekend. Let's be honest, hardly anyone reads my very long notecards 😂 so making sure everyone is ready to party, can take it's toll.
(I may have been a bit more direct in IMs, a bit snappy, even absent in local chat when busy and when my PC starting growling at me! I am sorry if this troubled anyone. I do my best but I'm not always my best. I'm sorry for this.)

Photo by Nodomé Morgenröte

Photo by Easy Ninetails

Photo by Mildred Gloom

Photo by Ashicam

Photo by Landra Beerbaum

Photo by me (Recki)

Photo by Mr Memories, Martin Matin

Photo by Mr Memories, Martin Matin

Photo by Mr Memories, Martin Matin
Are we doing it again?
This is the 3rd year of the summer festival at Electro Space.
2020, then called the 4/4 Festival - 4 genres, 4 days. Techno, House, Industrial, EDM+/DJ's Choice
2021, rebranded EStival - 5 days. DnB Stage added
2022 - 7 days! 2 new days by request - Hardcore and Trance Stage. A whole week plus a pre-party and a hangover party! No wonder we need a rest!
We will continue to 'EStival' if ES is still partying and you want it, as always.
EStival - a made up word?
Festival without the F you say? 😂
Taken from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary
es·​ti·​val | \ ˈe-stə-vəl \
variants: or less commonly aestival
Definition of estival : of or relating to the summer
Did you know?
Estival and festival look so much alike that you might think they're very closely related, but that isn't the case. Estival traces back to aestas, which is the Latin word for "summer" (and which also gave us estivate, a verb for spending the summer in a torpid state—a sort of hot-weather equivalent of hibernating). Festival also comes from Latin, but it has a different and unrelated root. It derives from festivus, a term that means "festive" or "merry." Festivus is also the ancestor of festive and festivity as well as the much rarer festivous (which also means "festive") and infestive ("not merry, mirthless").
(it also begins with ES for Electro Space, it's perfect!)
So see you for EStival 2023, if we still have the energy for it. 🔷💙

Photo by me (Recki)

Photo by me (Recki)

Photo by me (Recki)

Photo by me (Recki)
Photo Links
There are some photo collections out there so do check them out and please do add yours to the ES albums if you wish. Most can be viewed via the Electro Space Facebook page.