25 March 2023
The Drag Ball presented by Nightmare City

DJs from Nightmare and Electro Space came together for the first annual RFL Drag Ball hosted by Lucid Dreams at Nightmare City and wow this was a PARTY with a PURPOSE!
Music, friends, glamour and importantly we RELAYED an amazing L$140,711, $562.84USD directly through donations kiosks at The Drag Ball. Add that to the RFL Vendors donated by Afterparty, the RFL Raffle by Normandy and other donations around our community and Team ES raised an amazing L$145,000 in just one day.
Thank you so much to everyone who was part of this fantastic event. To V and Alec and everyone at Nightmare for providing such a vibrant and welcoming party space for all of us. To the DJs for the fantastic music and energy. To the hosts for keeping the party vibes going and encouraging us all to Relay until we Drop! To Gaze / Afterparty and Leigh / Normandy for your generous gifts. To the Kings and Queens and everyone who came along in their finest party glamour to support and donate and to everyone who sent us remote donations from afar. WOW, what a party and the Annual RFL Drag Ball was born.
During the event, Team ES reached the L$500,000 mark, achieving Jade Fundraising Level and then we smashed through last year's Team total of L$552,000. That's over $2000 USD in less than 2 months just doing what we do, in our music spaces, in our virtual world. Then I start crying during the event, might have been the wine ... but it is just so fantastic what we can do when we come together with a purpose. You're amazing!
Team total at the end of the event
L$: 585,410 = USD: $2,341.64
Our next Team ES fundraising event in the calendar is House vs DnB at Planet 13 on Saturday 8th April. A House DJ team from Electro Space goes up against a Drum & Bass team from Planet 13, for fun, for Relay! Who wins, your donations decide! See you there :)
Go Team ES!
We Play, We DJ, We Relay! 💜
Photos by Recki and Alec

We Play, We DJ, We Relay!
We are an electronic music community team that come together for the RFL season to raise money to help the fight against cancer!
Club Owners, Managers, DJs, Hosts, Sponsors, we raise money just doing what we love every day.
The key to fundraising success is togetherness, a community pulling together as one in the fight against cancer. We see this year after year with Relay for Life teams so be part of something and make a difference; it matters.

Team ES RFL Commitee
Recki Laville (ES) - Team Captain
Vesper Absinthe (Nightmare) - Team Champion
Elayne Diavolo (Club Zero) - RFL Champion
Martin Matin - Team Events Photographer
Team ES Page on ACS web