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Marketing or Overmarketing?

How do you find the right level when marketing your SL club event ? Here are my thoughts, on a Monday.

We refer to it as spam, which is funny because this term actually refers to 'any kind of unwanted, unsolicited digital communication that gets sent out in bulk'.

Ok I am the 'spammer' for ES but how much marketing is good and where is the tipping point?

I guess this is different for everyone and their desire for information.

And what channels should we be using to advertise our events?

When I think about it, most people in these Facebook and in-world spam groups are probably other spammers!!

Everyone else leaves because it gets annoying! 😂 We just spam the spammers, it's ridiculous!

My tolerance

I hate overmarketing if this is the right term. It puts me off wanting to attend an event and harms credibility. It makes people look desperate.

  • So you're opening or reopening a club in 2 months? I do not need to hear about it 4 times a day for 6 weeks in and out of world.

  • Every DJ set posts in Facebook wind me up! You have a daily flyer and a group pin or it's in your daily story, good. It says everything I need. You do not need to spam every set in multiple groups! It does the opposite. It aggravates me and I end up leaving groups and clubs.

  • Mass TPs every 30mins by club owners, managers and hosts ... grrrrrrrrrrrr why why why?!

Tell me once a day or tell me where I can find the info for myself.

I do not need spoon feeding. I'm not a moron.

However, I am also the 'spammer' or marketer for ES and I will not always get it right for everyone also so this is my approach, based on my own tolerance level and the theory that people have brains and can find the info for themselves, if you are logical about it.

Social Media
  • An ES event is listed ahead of time in Facebook event listings and I sometimes use the discussion tab in this event to broadcast more info as it happens such as for Techno Tour, DJ Relay and EStival.

  • On a Sunday, there is a 'Next week @ Electro Space' post with the flyers for the week shared in the ES Facebook group, my Facebook feed and via the in-world ES group.

  • On the day, I post one flyer, once a day per group in Facebook, in our Discord events channel and sometimes Flickr, if I remember. Usually it is shared about 20-30 mins before the start time. I may vary the groups and send to some at the start and then mid way through perhaps to some different groups. It's not exact but even this is too much for me.

  • Usually I add screen shots for every DJ set to the same post as a way of showing the current vibe. Photos clog up my PC and I am no photographer!

  • No dot maps, I hate them too !!! Oh look 50 dots but 15 of them are up in the sky hunting for gold!! Or afk or alts planted there on purpose to make you look good. Life is more than a dot map! 🤣 I choose real communities, not dots!


  • The flyer is usually on display at ES in world on the day, sometimes ahead of time on the billboards.

  • One notice per set, no halftimes.

  • For bigger events, I may send a post ahead of start time.

  • No mass TPs ever from me, not even for my DJ sets, but I may throw something in group chat.

Truth is I hate all this shit. Some people even say I do not spam enough but I already do more than my tolerance level and I wince a little when I send so much.

People do have brains and my approach is guided by this; if they want to follow what is happening, just tell them where to find the info. They can search your group, your notices, your website, your DJ page, your profile and so on. I ask ES Event Hosts to consider the same.

Getting it right is difficult and it will not match everyone's needs but a Facebook post every set, every group, every day + mass TPs ... yea you lost me! Overkill! And no I'm not coming!

So my opinion is I don't think there is a 'one size fits all' approach to SL club marketing. Do what you think is right but don't expect it to please everyone.

This is me just sharing my thoughts and tolerances ... on a Monday :)

Feel free to share your thoughts and no specific club names please unless its ES, you can rant all you want about ES here. 🤣


Footnote rant: When I find planted alts at a club for the purpose of making an owner or club look good, I leave. I leave the group, I stop DJing there, I remove them from the ES community pages and billboards and I will probably not come again. I am not interested in helping you boost your ego during my rec time thanks and there is no way back because you just showed me who you really are. Be authentic or stop running clubs! This is partly why some of today's clubs are no longer advertised through ES and the community pages are reduced. Sad!

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